Britain is commonly known as a nation of animal lovers. But, the recent economic crunch has changed the lives of many leaving them with less or no time to focus on their loved ones – including their pets. Day to day needs of these pets are often overlooked making them starve for attention. Here’s where the role of a pet-sitter or dog walker springs in; who indeed help these dogs overcome their separation anxiety.

If you’re a pet lover with an entrepreneurial streak, it’s high-time you grab this opportunity and start a dog walking business. Before you spread the word to your friends/family there are certain areas that you’ll need to fix.

So, what is that you’ll need to look at before putting out an open-sign?

Yes. You guessed it right. It is the legal side of starting a dog walking business in the UK. Whether you’re looking to establish a robust trade or make some petty-cash – this article provides some basic clarity on starting a dog walking business.

1. Form your company:

First and foremost is to prepare a business plan which defines your business objectives/goals and maps out different strategies to achieve it. Next is to choose a name and register your company at Companies House. You can either do it yourself by completing the documentation processes or you can choose a specialized company formation agent.

If you’ve not incorporated a company before – rest assured, we can take care of setting up your company in the right way. As a Companies House authorized company formation agent, we offer an end-to-end solution for your business. You don’t have to get in a sweat about your startup business- because we’ve it all covered for you.

2. Get some experience of dog-walking:

Dog walking appears to be a relaxed sightseeing activity, but it is far-off from just a walk in the park. It is not obligatory to hold a professional background with pets, but you should at least be confident around dogs. Alternatively, you can let your family/friends know about your business and find out if they are interested in using your service for free or at a discounted rate. You can also consider volunteering at animal rescue centers or at local boarding kennels and help them out in their daily routine.

The Kennel Club’s has listed out the basic requirement of a good dog-walker and they expect you to have:

  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to get along with dogs and understand them
  • A good level of fitness and efficient to handle an emergency situation

To improve your business even further and to showcase your commitment to the dog’s welfare consider gaining a certificate in animal psychology or pet first-aid and medication.

3. Get your dog-walking business insured:

Accidents are unforeseeable – you’ll be solely responsible for the dogs you’re walking while they’re in your charge. This includes both damages done to the dogs and damages done by the dogs, so it’s best to protect yourself through insurance coverage. If you would like to expand your business and hire employees as dog-walkers, it is good to consider bonding. Bonding will protect you and your business in the event of employee theft at your client’s place.

4. Animal boarding licence:

If you plan on providing accommodation for other people’s pets at your place, you’ll have to get an animal boarding establishment licence. Fees vary depending on the area, so you can talk to your local authority or seek professional advice to get in right.

5. Criminal record check and trustworthiness:

You’ll need a basic check if you hold your client’s key and have access to their home, for instance to pick-up and return a dog during their absence. You can make a request for the criminal record check on the official website.  The fee for a basic check is £25 and you should be 16 years or over to apply for one. It usually takes up to 14 days to receive the certificate and here’s what you’ll need to produce:

  • National Insurance Number
  • Passport
  • Driving licence
  • Complete addresses for the past 5 years and the dates you lived on each address

Dog owners rely on you when they are away from home, so you need to prove that you’re trustworthy. One sure-fire way to gain their trust is through personal testimonials from friends/family or your existing customers. Make customers feel that you can be trusted with their beloved pets during their absence and to ensure you can:

  • Take the paperwork with you when you meet your client (CRB check, insurance, and contract)
  • Explain what you’ll do and who you’ll contact in case of an emergency
  • The name and address of the vets that you’re in tie up with
  • Alternate contact information in addition to yours

6. Forms and contracts for your business:

A service contract is imperative to safeguard you and your business from stressful problems that might arise in the future. Having the right contract in place spells out exactly what service you’re providing and the cost associated with it. It reduces misunderstanding with your customers and delivers a professional image to your business. Several dog-walking businesses use template forms and agreements which can be customized for each individual client. Work through the agreement and clearly mention the rules that you’ll follow and your code of practice.

7. Finalize your fee:

Get inputs from fellow dog-walkers in your area and gain clarity before finalizing your fee.  You may want to charge in time-blocks or customize your pricing structure depending on whether you walk a single dog or multiple dogs at a time. Doing a bit of research on the local competition will make things easier as local competition is the main factor that dictates the final pricing. Once finalized make sure you mention it clearly on the agreement with the price breakdown and discounts (if any).

8. Create an online business:

Having a website in place is a good idea to make your potential customers feel more at ease. You might be well-prepared and have all bases covered, but if nobody knows about your services then your business might not make headway. Hence to stand out from the crowd it is advisable to consider having a website to showcase your services more effectively.

You can use your website to write a bit about yourself and your business, share photos, display references/testimonials and so on. If your website is current and looks professional, naturally your potential customers will feel the same about your business.

We offer a complete solution for our clients and you can take advantage of our web services which include web and logo design. We offer a special discount of 30% on the pricing for the companies formed through Mint Formations.

9. Advertise your business:

In addition to having a website, social media is one another way to advertise and promote your business online. Popular social media platforms like Facebook will allow you to create a page specific to your company. Through the FB page, you can advertise your services and engage yourself with potential clients and get to know their needs/requirements.

Still, there’s a lot more to consider when it comes to marketing your business through old traditional means. For instance, we have an older generation who might not be as tech savvy as the younger generation. So, following the outdated door-drop techniques such as leaflets/brochures effectively connects the audience in your area and provides a good return.

It’s time to set up your dog walking business:

As per stats about a third of Brits own dogs and about 10% of dog owners depend on dog-walkers. It’s said to be one of the booming businesses in the UK and setting up a professional company will help you access this large market.

You might have waited long enough to start your dream business. Chances are any excuses you have for not getting it done can be addressed effectively by Mint.

We are fully equipped to offer the complete solution that your business needs. Starting from company formation to building a business website – we cover everything and support you with the extra hand that you require to stand up.

Call Mint Formations today to talk to knowledgeable specialists about setting up your dream business.

Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.


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