Financial freedom is something many of us dream of — the ability to live without concern for another day’s work in our life. This doesn’t mean obtaining wealth beyond our wildest dreams, but instead a secure nest-egg that sustains a modest lifestyle.

One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by starting a small business. Owning a company can provide a passive income that helps you become more financially independent.

But what if you don’t have any money in the first place?

You have to spend money to make money; as the old saying goes. To start a successful business, you need to invest in that business and make sure it has the foundations it needs to succeed. Yet if you are low on funds, this is impossible.

With bills to pay and financial responsibilities to keep, for many people, there simply isn’t enough money left at the end of the day to start a business. So does that mean you can’t?

Absolutely not! Here’s how to start a business when you have zero cash in the bank:

Look at the Business Tools You Already Own

You need tools to carry out business. These can be as complex as specialist pieces of computer software or as simple as a shovel and rake. Depending on what your business becomes, you’ll need tools for the job. However, you may already own them. Evaluate the products you already own that you could use to deliver a commercial product or service.

Think about the Skills You Have

You may have video editing software, but does that mean you can create video content to the high quality desired by customers? Likewise, you could have an extensive array of gardening tools, but could you use them to create something people would happily pay money for?

Look at the equipment you have and compare them to the skills you possess. Find a match that works and will interest people. For example, world-famous brand Shutterstock was started when the founder combined his photography skills with his programming skills to create a platform to sell photos.

Learn a Skill for Free

You’ve looked at what you own, in terms of equipment and skills, and you’ve come up flat. There is nothing you can do with what you have.

Don’t panic!

We can all learn and discover new skills. Nobody is born proficient in anything; education helps us develop new ways of earning money. There are plenty of free opportunities to do this. You could find tutorials online — YouTube is a great place to start. You might also find free local night classes, or take on an internship or a position as an apprentice to understand the trade before moving into your own business.

For very low costs, you can also often find digital qualifications on websites like Groupon.

Get Help from Friends and Loved Ones

Very rarely are we alone in trying to achieve our dreams. Those around us are often more than willing to help! When financial assets aren’t a resource you can rely on, the people closest to you can be just as valuable.

Friends and family can be immeasurably useful when starting a business. You may not be comfortable asking for financial help getting started, but what about asking for advice on skills, having them test products, spread the word about your business, or ask to borrow equipment to get started?

They may even have useful skills that can help grow your business, such as helping you build a website or design some branding.

Starting a business with no money is all about using what you have, and the people around you have valuable assets you can use to your advantage. Look at your personal networks and see who could help your low-cost startup.

Use Free Marketing Channels

Starting a business isn’t the only step you need to take to succeed. Once you have a suitable business in mind, you need to find customers. Big companies and small businesses alike will pay for marketing channels like adverts and sponsorships — but you probably can’t afford that.

Luckily, there are plenty of free marketing channels available to help you drum up business!

We’ve already highlighted this briefly, but the first thing to do is use your current network to spread the word. Friends and family can let others know and market your business through word of mouth. The next step is to use platforms like social media. Not only as these fantastic free platforms to provide business information, but you can also engage with already active communities through comments and posts on other pages (such as local pages or group pages relating to your industry) advertising your new startup. You can even take the online platform further and go to places like web forums and threads to let people know about your business.

Other low-cost ways to advertise your business include having flyers printed, paying small fees to attend conferences and business events in your industry, and using cheap advertising platforms like Google and Facebook ads.

Exchange Your Skills for Services and Products

It goes all the way back to the dark ages. You have a goat; I have weapons, let’s trade!

Money isn’t the only valuable asset to people or other businesses. If you can provide them with a service, they may be willing to exchange that service for a product or service of their own they consider has equal value.

Of course, this isn’t the standard method of practice, but it’s also not unheard of. If you need something, but can’t afford to pay for it, there is always a chance you can make non-financial arrangements. Be open to this idea, make contact to discuss opportunities when you feel it’s appropriate, and you may just be surprised by the outcome.

Find Investors

Let’s be honest, money in whatever quantity can be very useful. You can stretch a small amount of money a long way — and a lot of money can drive rapid growth. You can start a business with very little money — there is no question of that — but if you don’t have to make that compromise, then you shouldn’t. If you don’t have money to invest in your own business, try to find somebody who does have money and convince them your business is worth it.

Investment can come from many different places:

  • Banks — You can aim to secure a small business loan
  • Family and Friends — Sometimes you can acquire investment from personal networks
  • Angel Investors — These are individuals or companies that invest in your company for a share in the company — like Dragon’s Den
  • Credit — Invest in yourself by using a credit card or other lines of credit.
  • Crowdfunding — Take your ideas to the masses and obtain investment from the general public.

Patience Is the Key to Success

It’s important to remember that when starting a business with no money, you’ll be laying a lot of the groundwork and pulling most of the weight yourself. This means you probably won’t move as fast and pick up as much momentum as other startup businesses that can invest money in areas you can’t — such as hiring third-party support, contractors, etc.

All this in no way diminishes your chances of success. Many, many massive brands started with nothing. You just have to be prepared for a slow-burn, and put in the time and effort required to offset the lack of financial resources available to you.

Start your business today with Mint Formations. Register your company at low cost and begin your epic business journey with us!

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Raj co-founded Mint Formations with business partner Andy Tree in 2017. Mint formations is established to nurture small UK businesses and enable exciting new opportunities for quick growth. As a successful entrepreneur, Raj knows how to start and run a business. He currently resides as a board member of seven successful companies across the world. He is best known for founding Integra Global Solutions, specialists in robotics, automation, and business process optimisation.

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